After installing a row of firebricks along the bottom of the 6's firebox, volunteer Roger R. took time to clean the masonry dust from the operator's platform.

This side view of the 6 shows the state of the reconstruction as of August 28. It seemed like there was a massive amount of work to complete.

This is a view of the fireman's side of the locomotive. A small amount of the piping which feed the injectors, air pump, and steam turbine had been reinstalled.

Several volunteers work inside the 6's smokebox. Most likely, they are attaching the pipes that connect the dry pipe to the steam cylinders.

This is the innards of the smokebox showing the large steam pipes leading to the steam cylinders. A large amount of fabrication took place to create a new manifold after the original one broke a month earlier. This picture also shows the steam cylinder's exhaust pipes (the two pipes connected to the casting on the bottom), the air compressor's exhaust pipe (the large diameter pipe entering the side of the smoke box), and the blower (the small diameter pipe entering the side of the smoke box).

The next three pictures show the handiwork of Roger R. inside the firebox. Since the oil fire burns extremely hot, refractory bricks are placed along the walls and bottom of the firebox to protect the sides. The last picture in this group of three show the dwindling pile of firebrick and mortar.

While Roger was installing the firebrick, others had installed some of the trappings for the engineer.

Videographer Matt N. records the action as Alan F. installs the air compressor.

Wayne inspects the compressor's air inlet.

Chris P. laps the check valve for the fireman's injector.

Abe C. and Wayne install the smokebox door and number plate on the locomotive.

Brian B. runs the Vulcan gasoline switcher (also known as the "squirt") with the 6 in tow.

A milestone in the reconstruction was the mating of the locomotive chassis to the tender.

Fireman Kim W. perched on top of the boiler just before he started polishing the brass components.

A front view of the 6.

Setting the cab onto the locomotive.

The 6, running under its own power, pulls into the South Station.

A daytime shot of the 6 at the South Station.

The 6's builder's plate and number plate.

Abe C. is positioned behind a student fireman as the train pulls into the South Station.

After the Reunion, all of the boilers received a quick rinse.

Three steam engines resting in the shop, eagerly awaiting the run for Ghost Train in October.

Pictures courtesy Steam A, Brian B., and John G.
Pictures courtesy Steam A, Brian B., and John G.