This weekend, the old finish was removed from the floors of both cars and a new commercial grade finish applied.
Besides doing a large portion of the work, volunteer Fred H. also donated the materials to complete the job.
Fred H. roughing up the old finish in the caboose's baggage area.

John W. doing some hand sanding. He doesn't look too happy; he found out that his pay had been cut -- again! (Actually, he was sanding the floor by hand, not sanding his hands.)

Applying the new finish to the floor.

Several views of the caboose's refinished floor.

Inside view of the "Quinn" coach after the floor was refinished.

The pictures don't do justice to the look of the floors. Fred H and John W worked extra hard to make these the best they've ever looked. We are contemplating asking riders to place protective covers over their shoes before entering!
The "Quinn" coach's seats had been removed from the coach and stored in the South Station's conference room (the "M&E Room"). Before reinstalling them, the upholstery was cleaned and other bits of mechanical maintenance was performed.

-pictures courtesy JohnW.
-pictures courtesy JohnW.