1. An swarm of bees took residence at the north station's northwest corner. First noticed in early July, the bees seemed rather plentiful and didn't go away.
Instead of using a "hammer," a local beekeeper who participates at the Mt Pleasant Farmers' Market offered to remove the bees. The price was right...the beekeeper would keep the bees and we would fix the wall of the station which had to be torn apart to get to the beehive.
The plan was to lure the bees from the station to the portable hive and worked well. The beekeeper's estimate was that about 75,000 bees had taken residence in our station.

2. Several shopsters started a tie spotting project along the northeast run of track. In all, 31 ties were replaced. The pictures illustrate the tamping process, performed after the new ties are spiked in place.
The various pictures show Dustin B, Jessie V, Griffin W, Abe C, Paul, Jim, Brian B, and Jen in various poses.
