During the February 12th weekend (see the "
D&RGW #6216 truck and frame work" posting) the flat car work proceeded slowly in repairing, fabricating, fitting, and painting of all the metal parts.
Several members came in during the week of February 23 through the 29th to get the flat car "ready for the road." Well, "ready" is somewhat of a goal -- who knows how far we will get!

"C.W." is mortising the end beams to accept the tenons on the stringers.

The finished end beam. Count 'em: that is 12 mortises on EACH end beam.

Jesse V. is checking the fit of a queen post being fastened to the needle beam.

Griffin W. is cutting an end beam to size.

Dustin finishes the cut; Griffin's circular saw didn't quite make it all the way through the beam.

Jesse V. using a router to cut the ledge along the inner edge of the end beam. One of the deck boards will rest on the ledge.

Griffin W. drilling bolt holes on a stringer.

Griffin, Dustin, and Jesse inspecting an end beam before installation.